MSBU Tech 技术周刊
Why Quip doesn't have platform-specific engineering teams
Quip 的工程团队不按职能划分,没有 iOS Android Windows Web 工程师之说 每个人都负责一个功能的各个端 这样减少了团队之间的隔阂 小团队也能多端同步推出功能
Serving 39 Million Requests for $370/Month, or: How We Reduced Our Hosting Costs by Two Orders of Magnitude
稍后阅读类应用 Readability 的后端迁移到 serverless,3900万访问量成本从 $10000降到了 $370。对于一些适合的应用,serverless 成本优势非常明显。PS:还是之前说过的,自建机房你永远没法体会优化后省钱的感觉,而使用云平台这来得就直接得多。
What it Means to be a Remote-First Company
StackOverflow 远程工作的实践
The AWS and MongoDB Infrastructure of Parse: Lessons Learned
Parse 是一个 BaaS 服务
Improving Critical Infrastructure Rollouts
Spotify 讲述自己每次升级 docker 本身版本都会挂的事,于是搞了套东西可以平滑升级
Making The Move From Scala To Go, And Why We’re Not Going Back
How Etsy Manages HTTPS and SSL Certificates for Custom Domains on Pattern
Etsy 用 letsencrypt 给用户域名提供 https
A brief history of JSON
HashiCorp Vault helps New Relic manage secrets for their digital intelligence platform
只是一个官方 PR 文,但展示了一个 HashiCorp 后端全家桶(Consol, Vault, Terraform)的真实案例
One Weird Trick to Lose Size
一篇减少包大少的文章,思路不是很主流:1,减少使用第三方库,尽量用系统的,必要时造轮子。2,没有数据打点分析和 A/B Test。有一段话印象深刻:Say an engineer wants to move up the tech ladder. Shipping features won’t get you a promotion. Building a new layout engine does. The company even gets recruiting-bait for the engineering blog.
提高驾驶技术:用 GAN 去除(爱情)动作片中的马赛克和衣服